Vahideh Manshadi is the Michael H. Jordan Professor of Operations at Yale School of Management and the Research Director for Operations Research at the Center for Algorithms, Data, & Market Design at Yale (CADMY).

Her current research focuses on the operations of online and matching platforms, especially those with societal impact, including volunteer crowdsourcing, refugee resettlement, organ allocation, and information (news) platforms. She has collaborated with nationwide platform-based nonprofits, including Feeding America’s MealConnect, Food Rescue US , VolunteerMatch, and national kidney exchange programs, and often impacted the practice of these organizations. Her research has been recognized by numerous awards across various INFORMS communities, including Auctions & Market Design, Public Sector OR, Service Science, and Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.

Professor Manshadi serves as an associate editor for Management Science and Operations Research, and as the vice president of the Auctions & Market Design section at INFORMS. She also contributes to the ACM SIGecom, having served as the Program Co-Chair of EAAMO ’23 and as the Track/Area/Tutorial Chair for EC and EAAMO. She received her Ph.D. in electrical engineering at Stanford University, where she also received MS degrees in statistics and electrical engineering. Before joining Yale, she was a postdoctoral scholar at the MIT Operations Research Center.

Publications (by Topic)

Platform/Policy Design for Social Good

Dynamic Matching with Post-Allocation Service and its Application to Refugee Resettlement, with K. Bansak, S. Lee, R. Niazadeh, and E. Paulson, Working paper, 2024.

Finalist, MSOM Best Student Paper Prize, 2024 – Entrant: S. Lee

Finalist, Michael H. Rothkopf Junior Researcher Paper Prize (awarded by INFORMS Auctions and Market Design Section), 2024 – Entrant: S. Lee

– Conference version accepted to The 25th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2024

– Extended abstract in The fifth annual Symposium on Foundations of Responsible Computing (FORC), 2024

– Oral presentation at The 4th ACM Conference on Equity & Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, & Optimization (EAAMO), 2024

– Media: “Using Operations Research to Improve the Refugee Resettlement Process.” Yale Insights

Redesigning VolunteerMatch’s Ranking Algorithm: Toward More Equitable Access to Volunteers, with S. Rodilitz, D. Saban, and A. Suresh, Major revision at Management Science, 2024.

– Subsumes “Analytics for Societal Impact: Improving Access to Volunteers on VolunteerMatch”

Honorable mention, Doing Good with Good OR Student Paper Competition, 2023 – Entrant: A. Suresh

Winner, INFORMS Public Sector OR Best Video Award, 2023 (See here)

Finalist, Revenue Management & Pricing Practice Award, 2024

Finalist, INFORMS Public Sector OR Best Paper Award, 2024

Finalist, Service Science Best Student Paper Competition, 2024 – Entrant: A. Suresh

– Media: “A Better Algorithm Can Bring Volunteers to More Organizations.” Yale Insights (covered on YaleNews)

– Accepted for presentation at the MSOM Sustainable Operations SIG, 2024

Markovian Search with Socially Aware Constraints, with M. R. Aminian and R. Niazadeh, Major revision at Management Science, 2024.

– Subsumes “Fair Markovian Search”

Third place, INFORMS Service Science Best Student Paper Award, 2023 – Entrant: M. R. Aminian

– Extended abstract in The fifth annual Symposium on Foundations of Responsible Computing (FORC), 2024

– Oral presentation at The 4th ACM Conference on Equity & Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, & Optimization (EAAMO), 2024

– Media: “Algorithms and AI Can Make Hiring More Diverse.” Chicago Booth Review

♦ Online Algorithms for Matching Platforms with Multi-Channel Traffic, with S. Rodilitz, D. Saban, and A. Suresh, Management Science, 2024.

– Conference version accepted to The 23rd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2022

– Oral presentation at The 2nd ACM Conference on Equity & Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, & Optimization (EAAMO), 2022

– Media: “Matching Algorithms Work Fine—Until Bypassed By External Links.” UCLA Anderson Review

♦ Commitment on Volunteer Crowdsourcing Platforms: Implications for Growth and Engagement, with I. Lo, A. Shameli, and S. Rodilitz, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2024.

– Conference version accepted to The 25th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2024

– Media: “How Nonprofits Can Better Engage Volunteers.” UCLA Anderson Review

Fair Dynamic Rationing, with R. Niazadeh and S. Rodilitz, Management Science, 2023.

First place, Michael H. Rothkopf Junior Researcher Paper Prize, 2021 (Awarded by INFORMS Auctions and Market Design Section) – Entrant: R. Niazadeh 

– Conference version appeared in The 22nd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2021

– Extended abstract appeared in The second annual Symposium on Foundations of Responsible Computing (FORC), 2021

– Spotlight presentation at INFORMS Revenue Management and Pricing (RMP), 2021

– Oral presentation at The 1st ACM Conference on Equity & Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, & Optimization (EAAMO), 2021

– Accepted for presentation at the MSOM Service SIG, 2022 (10 selected out of 84)

– Media: “How to Ration Scarce Resources Fairly.” Chicago Booth Review

– Media: “How to Distribute Scarce Medical Supplies in a Pandemic—and Do It Fairly.” Yale Insights

– Media: “Distributing Aid Fairly Amid Scarcity and Unknown Demand.” UCLA Anderson Review

♦ Information Design for Congested Social Services: Optimal Need-Based Persuasion, with J. Anunrojwong and K. Iyer, Management Science, 2023.

– Conference version appeared in The 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2020

– Accepted for oral presentation at The 4th Workshop on Mechanism Design for Social Good (MD4SG), 2020

– Accepted for presentation at the MSOM Service SIG, 2021 (10 selected out of 100)

– Featured Article: “Balancing Needs: Information Design Mitigates Congestion in Social Services.” (Management Science Review)

♦ Online Policies for Efficient Volunteer Crowdsourcing, with S. Rodilitz, Management Science, 2022.

Second place, MSOM Best Student Paper Prize, 2021 – Entrant: S. Rodilitz

Third place, Michael H. Rothkopf Junior Researcher Paper Prize, 2020 (Awarded by INFORMS Auctions and Market Design Section – Entrant: S. Rodilitz)

Finalist, INFORMS Public Sector OR Best Paper Award, 2020

Finalist, INFORMS Service Science Best Student Paper Award, 2021 – Entrant: S. Rodilitz

– Conference version appeared in The 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2020

– Accepted for oral presentation at The 4th Workshop on Mechanism Design for Social Good (MD4SG), 2020

– Extended abstract appeared in The second annual Symposium on Foundations of Responsible Computing (FORC), 2021

– Media: “How Better Mobile Crowdsourcing Can Help Combat Food Waste and Feed the Hungry.” Yale Insights (also covered on O.R. and Analytics in the News)

♦ On Matching and Thickness in Heterogeneous Dynamic Markets, with I. Ashlagi, M. Burq, and P. Jaillet, Operations Research, 2018. | Presentation Video @ Simons

– Conference version appeared in The 17th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2016

– Media: “Kidney Exchange Registries Should Collaborate to Save More Lives.” Yale Insights

♦ The effect of match-run frequencies on the number of transplants and waiting times in kidney exchange, with I. Ashlagi, A. Bingaman*, M. Burq, D. Gamarnik, C. Murphey*, A. E. Roth, M. L. Melcher*, and M. A. Rees*, American Journal of Transplantation, 2017.

– * designates medical collaborators

♦ Kidney exchange in dynamic sparse heterogenous pools, with I. Ashlagi, and P. Jaillet, Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2013.

Online/Matching Platforms

♦ Robust Dynamic Staffing with Predictions, with Y. Feng, R. Niazadeh, and S. Neyshabouri, Working paper, 2024.

– Accepted for presentation at the MSOM Service SIG, 2024

♦ Designing Approximately Optimal Search on Matching Platforms, with N. Immorlica, B. Lucier, and A. Wei, Management Science, 2022.

Third place, Michael H. Rothkopf Junior Researcher Paper Prize, 2021 (Awarded by INFORMS Auctions and Market Design Section) – Entrant: A. Wei 

– Conference version appeared in The 22nd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2021

♦ Learning Product Rankings Robust to Fake Users, with N. Golrezaei, J. Schneider, and S. Sekar, Operations Research, 2022.

Finalist, INFORMS Data Mining Best Paper Competition, 2022 

Winner, INFORMS MIF Paper Competition, 2023 

– Conference version appeared in The 22nd ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2021

♦ Product Ranking on Online Platforms, with M. Derakhshan, N. Golrezaei, and V. Mirrokni, Management Science, 2020. | Presentation Video@ Google

– Conference version appeared in The 21st ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2020

– Accepted for presentation at the MSOM Service SIG, 2018 (8 selected out of 66)

♦ Online Resource Allocation under Partially Predictable Demand, with D. Hwang and P. Jaillet, Operations Research, 2020. | Presentation Video @ BIRS

♦ Online stochastic matching: Online actions based on offline statistics, with S. Oveis Gharan, A. Saberi, Mathematics of Operations Research, 2012.

– Conference version appeared in The 22nd ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), 2011

Social Platforms/Networks

♦ Information Inundation on Platforms and Implications, with G. Allon and K. Drakopoulos, Operations Research, 2020.

– Conference version appeared in The 20th ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC), 2019

– Media: “An Abundance of Media Fuels Polarization.” Yale Insights

♦ Diffusion in Random Networks: Impact of Degree Distribution, with S. Misra and S. Rodilitz, Operations Research, 2019.

– Extended abstract appeared in The 13th Workshop on the Economics Networks, Systems, and Computation (NetEcon), 2018

♦ Impact of Network Structure on New Service Pricing, with S. Alizamir, N. Chen, and S. Kim, Mathematics of Operations Research, 2021.

♦ Dynamics of prisoner’s dilemma and the evolution of cooperation on networks, with A. Saberi, Proceedings of the 3rd Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science Conference (ITCS), 2012.

– Extended abstract appeared in The 6th Workshop on the Economics Networks, Systems, and Computation (NetEcon), 2011

♦ Supermodular Network Games, with R. Johari, The 47th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 2009.

Other Topics

♦ The Stochastic Container Relocation Problem, with V. Galle, S. Borjian Boroujeni, C. Barnhart, and P. Jaillet, Transportation Science, 2018.

– Algorithms and experimental results are available here

♦ An average-case asymptotic analysis of the Container Relocation Problem, with V. Galle, S. Borjian Boroujeni, C. Barnhart, and P. Jaillet, Operations Research Letters, 2016.

♦ Managing Relocation and Delay in Container Terminals with Flexible Service Policies, with S. Borjian Boroujeni, C. Barnhart, and P. Jaillet.

♦ Distributed Node Placement Algorithms for Constructing Well-Connected Sensor Networks, with A. J. Friend and A. Saberi, The 32nd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2012.

♦ Efficient, Fully Local Algorithms for CIOQ Switches, with A. Firoozshahian, A. Goel, and B. Prabhakar, IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2007.

♦ High-fidelity and Time-driven Simulation of Large Wireless Networks with Parallel Processing, with H. Lee and D. C. Cox, IEEE Communications Magazine, 2009.

♦ High-Fidelity Simulation of Mobile Cellular Systems with Integrated Resource Allocation and Adaptive Antennas, with H. Lee, D. C. Cox, and N. K. Cheung, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2007.


Big Data – MBA Elective
Revenue Management – MBA Elective
Models of Operations Research and Management – Ph.D. Course


Ph.D. Advisor: Scott Rodilitz , Yale, Ph.D. in Operations, 2021. Placement: Assistant Professor, UCLA Anderson School of Management (Honorable Mention, INFORMS George Dantzig Dissertation Award, 2021)
Ph.D. Co-advisor: Akshaya Suresh, Yale, Ph.D. candidate in Operations (primary advisor: Ed Kaplan)
Ph.D. Advisor: Soonbong Lee, Yale, Ph.D. student in Operations
Postdoc Advisor: Yiding Feng (jointly with R. Niazadeh)
Ph.D. Thesis Committee & Coauthor: Virgile Galle, MIT, Ph.D. in Operations Research, 2018
Ph.D. Thesis Committee & Coauthor: Dawsen Hwang, MIT, Ph.D. in EECS, 2016
Mentor & Coauthor: Maximilien Burq, MIT, Ph.D. in Operations Research, 2019
Mentor & Coauthor: Alex Wei, UC Berkeley, Ph.D. student in CS
Coauthor: Jerry Anunrojwong, Columbia GSB, Ph.D. student in DRO
Coauthor: Mahsa Derakhshan, University of Maryland, Ph.D. in CS, 2021
Coauthor: Setareh Borjian, MIT, M.S. in Operations Research, 2016
Ph.D. Thesis Committee: Cheng Hua, Yale, Ph.D. in Operations, 2020
Ph.D. Thesis Committee: Tong Wang, Yale, Ph.D. in CEE, 2022
Ph.D. Thesis Committee: Michael Blair, Yale, Ph.D. in Operations, 2023
Ph.D. Thesis Committee: Hannah Wang, Yale, Ph.D. student in YSE
Ph.D. Thesis Committee: Yen-Shao Chen, Yale, Ph.D. candidate in Operations

Professional Activities

Tutorial Co-Chair: ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (2025-2026)
Officer: Vice President for INFORMS Auctions and Market Design (AMD) Section (2024–2026)
Program Co-Chair: ACM Conference on Equity & Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, & Optimization (2023)
Officer: Treasurer for INFORMS Auctions and Market Design (AMD) Section (2023–2024)
Co-Organizer: Marketplace Innovation Workshop (2022-present)
Chair: ACM EC Workshop Operations of People-Centric Systems – Jointly with Nikhil Garg and Vijay Kamble (2021)
Organizer: Informs Auctions and Market Design (AMD) Online Seminar Series – Jointly with Ozan Candogan and Fanyin Zheng (2020-2022)
Associate Editor: Operations Research – Area: Societal Impact (2024-present)
Associate Editor: Management Science – Department: Revenue Management and Market Analytics (2020-present)
Associate Editor: Operations Research – Area: Revenue Management and Market Analytics (2020-present)
Associate Editor: Manufacturing & Service Operations Management – Department: Services, Platforms, and Revenue Management (2021-2024).
Guest Associate Editor: Operations Research – Area: Revenue Management and Market Analytics (2019-2020)
Track Chair: ACM Conference on Economics and Computation – Applied Modeling Track (2021)
Area Chair: ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (2023)
Area Chair: ACM Conference on Equity & Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, & Optimization (EAAMO) – Applied Modeling (2021)
Competition Chair: INFORMS RMP Section Jeff McGill Student Paper Award (2023).
Senior Program Committee: ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (2019, 2020), The Conference on Web and Internet Economics (2021)
Program Committee: ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (2018), The Web Conference (2020), Workshop on Mechanism Design for Social Good (2020)
Competition Committee: George Nicholson Student Paper Competition (2021-2022), RMP Section Jeff McGill Student Paper Award (2022)
Award Committee: SIGecom Doctoral Dissertation Award (2022–2024).